Android Device Android Emulator iOS Device iOS Simulator

# Installing

    ns plugin add @triniwiz/nativescript-ffmpeg

# Usage

  1. Execute commands.

    • Use execute() method with a single command line and an argument delimiter
    import { LogLevel, FFmpeg } from '@triniwiz/nativescript-ffmpeg';
    FFmpeg.execute('-i file1.mp4 -c:v mpeg4 file2.mp4', ' ').then(result => console.log("FFmpeg process exited with result " + result));
    • Use executeWithArguments() method with an array of arguments
    import { LogLevel, FFmpeg } from '@triniwiz/nativescript-ffmpeg';
    FFmpeg.executeWithArguments(["-i", "file1.mp4", "-c:v", "mpeg4", "file2.mp4"]).then(result => console.log("FFmpeg process exited with result " + result));
Last Updated: 5/1/2021, 1:47:03 AM